Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Qt Creator”
Qt Creator Hidden Gems
When it comes to C++ IDEs I always reach for Qt Creator. I love its streamlined user interface which nevertheless exposes all screws and knobs if necessary.
But mostly I like how it manages to surprise me with every update.
Most recently I have updated to version 4.5.1 (from the 4.5 RC) and as I am hacking on the keyboard I see this:
Finally a work around the terrible decision to not explicitly mark function parameters used as a reference in C++.
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Use QtCreator to develop OpenViBE in 2017 on Linux
Note: This tutorial does not use the meta repository. It uses the latest OpenViBE 2.0.0 repositories with the multi-repository build. It is based on QtCreator 4.4.1 (the currently latest stable release). It will work on the 4.5 version, however this one seems to not currently work very well on Linux.
It is possible to simplify this installation a LOT if you only wish to build the OpenViBE component and wish to use the default SDK (Kernel, Modules, base plugins.
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A nice dark color theme for QtCreator
Last update: 2013-06-29 for Qt Creator 2.7.1
Staring at long lines of code can get frustrating. Even more so if the said lines have ugly eye-hurting colors. I have been using the beautiful MacVim theme in Vim for some time now and it is quite awesome. However QtCreator, which I use for OpenViBE development, lacks such a theme. This problem was easily fixed though. Here is a screenshot of a theme I have created and, because of the lack of creativity, named Gulf:
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