Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Shell”
DTerm and Fish shell, together
Fish shell does not seem to like to live within the DTerm terminal emulator. Sadly, DTerm seems in a state of abandon.
What I do now is to force bash as the shell used by DTerm. I do this by launching:
env SHELL=/bin/bash open /Applications/
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Quick access to the last public url of a file in Dropbox
I got bored to search for the url after uploading a file to the Dropbox’s public folder. So I have hacked a quick shell script that takes the public url of the latest file you uploaded to your public Dropbox folder and copies it to the clipboard. I thought I could share:
#!/bin/sh DROPBOX="$HOME/Dropbox" dropbox puburl "$DROPBOX/Public/\`ls -1 -t $DROPBOX/Public | head -n 1\`" | xclip Now, on OS X I have a folder action which does the same thing automatically when a new file is uploaded.
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