Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “C++”
Setting File Permissions on Windows With C
Edit 2018-01-19
In my original article I have naively supposed that the group names are not localized. This is false. Always use the Well Known Security IDs when manipulating permissions on Windows.
I’ve spent good part of my morning trying to find a way how to set permissions to a particular group.
Finally while digging though Stack Overflow I have found this question which lead to another because of deprecation errors.
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Gtk, Glade and signal handlers in C++
Much was written about connecting signal handlers to interfaces made with Glade and imported with GtkBuilder. The problem is that everybody uses a different system and/or language. So here is a guide which explains all the magic:
Glade Interface First of all create your widget in Glade and assign it a signal handler. We are going to create a very simple application which has a single button which exits it. The Glade interface should look something like this.
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